IEEE OES is pleased to provide five young investigator grants to students and Postdocs to support participation in the IEEE/OES ELEVENTH CURRENT, WAVES AND TURBULENCE MEASUREMENT WORKSHOP (CWTM).

Student Grant Awardees:

Congratulations to the student and Postdoc grant recipients. Each awardee receives free registration and $1000 toward travel expenses* (transportation and hotel).  The awardees are:

Daniel Ellis, University of California Santa Barbara,  "Improved Methods to Calculate Depth-Resolved Velocities from Glider-Mounted ADCPs".

Mathew Archer, RSMAS, Uni. of Miami, "Evaluation of Wave Height and Current Velocity Measurements from High Frequency Radar using an In-situ Subsurface Mooring".

Elizabeth Livermont,  Stevens Institute of Technology, "Trends and Changes in the NDBC Wave Records of the U.S. East Coast".

Hanna Torrens-Spence, Queen's University Belfast, "Current and Turbulence Measurement with Collocated ADP, ADV and Turbulence Profiler Data".

Suren Vasilyan, TU Ilmenu, Germany, "Direct force compensation on Lorentz force flowmeters for electrolyte flow measurements".

*Grant recipients please remember that to be reimbursed for your travel expenses (up to $1000) you must:

  1. Submit your paper by Friday, January 16, 2014
  2. Present your paper at the workshop and
  3. Submit a receipt for your expenses to Judy Rizoli at the on-site registration desk or by email within 1 week after the workshop to